Data analysis in marketing is essential for create successful and profitable strategies. Data provides you with key information that allows you to make intelligent decisions for your business. Create actions, strategies and campaigns that truly provide you with a good return on investment.

Not considering data analysis in marketing is like browsing blindly. Something like betting the money from your marketing budget on roulette and crossing your fingers to hit the right box. And you wouldn't be the bank, which is the one that always wins.

Data analysis in marketing, the keys to an essential action for the success of a brand

Data analysis in marketing is key to knowing the customer and making intelligent decisions for your business

If you don't know Who buys you, you will not be able to make decisions oriented to him. And we say who is actually buying from you, not who you think is buying from you. Because it may surprise you, but not always the type of real customer of brands is what they had intended.

Have real data to help you know your customers is valuable for issues that are key to a brand's success. For example:

  • Optimize your marketing budget and make more profitable decisions. To correctly target advertisements and advertising campaigns so that they reach the right people making better use of the budget. Without any part of it being lost in trying to win over the wrong type of people.
  • Know where your customers are and focus on those spaces or social networks, avoiding dedicating resources to those that are not of real interest in attracting or retaining customers.
  • Create new products or services or optimize existing ones so that they are truly attractive to your customers.
  • Make decisions that contribute to improve the customer experience.
  • Creating a suitable brand image and coherent.

Detect anomalies and failures through marketing data analysis

Perhaps the data will show you that your ideal customer It's a long way from your Real customer. That there are flaws and anomalies that have made this far from what you imagined.

In these cases, you have two options. You can focus on the type of customers you have attracted or, make the changes necessary to reach that ideal customer who is the one that really interests you.

An example? Perhaps you have created a strategy or implemented actions that have attracted a customer who is looking for very low prices. And it's not profitable for you, nor do you want to retain those who prioritize that aspect, because they will prevent you from growing or will leave as soon as a competitor presents a cheaper offer than yours. In this case, you need to make changes to branding, communication and marketing to reach the ideal customer, the one you really want to be the real customer of your products or services.

Data analytics is key to personalizing and monetizing brand communication and marketing strategies

For this it is essential collect data in an appropriate manner. There are currently many effective tools and resources to do this, both online like offline. On social networks, in the brand's own online or physical store, through your business website or blog, and in other ways.

When and how to collect data are two important points. And the tools that facilitate their understanding and offer figures and statistics, necessary elements.

But just gathering the data isn't enough. In and of themselves they don't give you answers. It is necessary to analyze them in detail to find them. And that's where the figure of the expert in data analytics for marketing. This professional profile has the training and capacity to transform numbers and percentages into comprehensible data of vital interest for the survival and success of brands.

If you want boost the success of your business with a marketing, design and agency branding in Madrid with Salago you have already seen that data is key to making the profitable decisions that your brand needs. Contact us and we'll talk.



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